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Soul Garden Sanctuary and Retreats

It all begins with an idea.

This shop started as an idea. That idea blossomed into a beautiful dream and its slowly coming true thanks to you! I love this platform and being able to connect to people across the globe. I want to continue making and fostering these connections while moving on to the next step: fostering local community connections.

The time has come to set in motion a plan for opening a brick and mortar location. I am so excited to share my vision and help bring it to life with your help! Soul Garden Apothecary is a life long dream of mine and the expansion and building of Soul Garden Sanctuary is the final step in bringing that dream and aspiration to life, not just for me but to be able to share it with all of you and the wonderful like minded people out there looking for a place to get away from it all.

More About the Project

What is Soul Garden Sanctuary?

The Sanctuary will be a place of rest and recovery. It is a place to get to know yourself better as you interact with and learn about the world around you. It is a place of self-discovery and rejuvenation.

Is it like a resort?

Kind of. We are still working out logistics but guests will be able to come out for the day and enjoy the activities and venue as well as booking overnight accommodations if they wish to stay longer. We also aim to offer scheduled retreats where groups can come and engage together in spiritual growth and wellness activities.

Where will the Sanctuary be located?

The Sanctuary will be located in rural Saskatchewan. We are in the process of viewing and hopefully purchasing the perfect property to make this dream a reality. We have found our ideal property and are now in the process of arranging finances to hopefully make a purchase.

What kind of activities will there be?

The Sanctuary is still in the building stage but we plan to offer a variety of activities ranging in theme from connecting and learning about nature, spiritual wellness sessions and interactive workshops. We plan to offer outdoor activities such as trail rides and plant identification sessions, wellness sessions such as massage and reiki as well as informative workshops on topics like tincture making and candle making. We aim to have a little of everything but that will take time.

What Comes Next

As work begins bringing this vision to life we need your help! Creating a space like this takes time and resources. We will be working around the clock to breathe life into this dream. We are a small team, and are relying on your support to achieve this goal.

How do you fit into all of this?

All proceed from shop sales are going towards this build. Any purchases you make directly support this initiative! We have created a YouTube channel so you can follow along and support our business as we grow! This is a great way to get updates on the project and how your money is being spent. It’s also a good way to support us for free. Another great free way to help us out is to spread the word! Let your friends and spiritual community know what we’re trying to do!

Community donations are the backbone that allow the stability to tackle large endeavors like this! We will be setting up a donation page for anyone who is wanting to help us make this dream come true. We are also very aware of the rise in scams in this age of technology and we want to ease concerns about this. Consumers and donators deserve to know where their money is going and transparency and accountability is something we pride ourselves on. We will be releasing a detailed packet explaining the type of establishment we are building, what donations are financing and what measures we will be taking to make this project not only sustainable but also environmentally friendly.

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